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Basecodes: darkdegree
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
all in a days work / 11:48 PM

What a day at work! HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY! thats the word! today was unloading those WTA valves from those 3 crates that was delivered yesterday. And so.. we cheap labour have to do the job!
this was the regular ones.. which they have like 20-30 pieces for us to carry..

this is the bomb! hahah fucking cb nbccb heavy.. but this is not the biggest yet..

this is the real shit! hahahah of course we did not carry that.. had to use a stacker to do the job..

ah... tiring shit... now my whole body aching man!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
best / 1:55 AM

Best! this is what my company can only offer to interns!

Lousy /cheapskate/ low quality gloves... i believe it's made by country of lazy. I only wore that for like the most 15 minutes.. and holes starts coming out everywhere around my glove.. amazing! wear gloves.. still get injured.. this is the reason!

fasterst shooter / 1:39 AM

Best cowboy shooting ever man! Dicky, Randall, Zac! Watch this damn video...

this is damn bloody cool man!
and this is one damn bloody funny shit.. and you know terrorist comes from where?? hahha funny shit..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
attachment / 8:18 PM

Life just suck for me! people have holiday, i have holiday. people can go overseas/enjoy lazing around, I have my fucking fucked up attachment! Been attached to this company called Bever Contromatic, which doese valves for industrial purpose. So what I do everyday? Carry Valves which is mother fucking heavy, like can be around 40-50 kg one picece! and that is one of the regular ones we have to carry..Free weight training everyday! Other than that.. mounting handle to the valves, inserting the ball into the ballvalve, tagging, put springs into actuators, count the number of screws. YES count the fucking number of screws/bots/ nuts in a opened box! thats when they have nothing better for me to do.. ask me go count those opened box.. then change the number outside the box.. One regular small box, initial count was 1800, after some asshole took out some screws, but never cancel out, so I'm there to do that. Fucking hell man.. thought i can go weight it.. but that half fucking box is like already 20+ kg..shit man....
now the thought of going back to work is dreading... every morning wake up.... knn.. have to go back to the shit place to work.. the only incentive i have is walking distance to my company, other than that..fucked fucked fucked! but overall, my colleagues are fun people to work with, my other intern mates are fucked up .. not both.. but only one... is like a try to be smart but cannot that kind? you know what I mean? ok la... not say i want to bitch about him... Its good that he can go to poly after his ite years... but afterall! He's still a ex fucking useless ite fat slob! sorry about this man.. I have problems with ite people.. thats why i choose to retain than go there! I would rather get mocked at being a retain than going ite! The way he speaks is just..knn ccb nbccb knnccb.....no words can describe my 'love' for him!

On a brighter note, bought a new set of speakers for my desktop! with big subwofers! damn powerful and just blows me away.. haha.. time for another house party man! I can practice my dj skills with my new speakers! give me more feel so I can mix better!