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Thursday, January 17, 2008
take a break / 10:22 PM

Taking a short break from my busy week.. tuesday ED exam, wednesday hand in RWP , today ADMI exam.. crazy man..all these done.. 3 more papers to go and I'm out..

Recap of what happened last week... Nick and Verena TEO's wedding..
Have been quite crazy.. running all over Singapore..sorry no photos yet... but will upload soon.. then I can talk more.. But overall everything was nice and smooth.. During mass.. was damn scared I missed some beat for the march in.. I did missed some la.. but Dicky was there to cover up.. haha.

About something what Verena smsed me the next day.." We're ready to leave. so u can come now if u can.- Mrs Teo" ... I know who sms me la. don't need to address one.. haha.. but can see she always wanted to use that title.. haha..

will talk more when pictures comes..

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
hairspray / 10:53 PM

i'm still having that sore throat man... with thick flume(zac's word for Phlegm ) still seen stuck there.. sigh.. wedding is coming soon... how to get well and have my part of fun?? Anyway.. today met up with brudder 'mat' and zac.. after hearing so many good things about that hair saloon called ' Heatwave' like alot of celebrities going their for their regular make over.. say like that shop is where god goes for hang out.. and not where david gan have his usual gay cutting..

Was looking from outside the saloon, 'Mat's' hair was quite a shocking sight! as if the stylist place a bowl on his head and started cutting...
now that really makes me think if I should step into that shop....contemplating.. ar... fuck it.. since I'm already here.. screw with that bowl cutting.. I'm going in..

eh.. .turn out that I have a better deal than what Randall got..now they say I look like the korean rock star..RAIN.. haha.. i'm gonna showoff my hair for this whole week man!

fuck.... .I have not done my RWP report yet... which my classmates say is due tomorrow!! what the hell am I still blogging now man??

Thursday, January 03, 2008
sick / 11:40 PM

I'm fucking sick... sigh...
this is what I get from post countdown parties/ clubbing/ staying up late.... Sore eye, sore throat, flu, fever... hate this man!! Nick's wedding is just left with 2 weeks to go.. it sounds like nick is going to be called uncle.. and Verena auntie! my god... all these years.. my mum always have been asking me... ' Why Nick always hang out with you all? Don't need to go dating with Verena meh??'

well..Nick have always been a big brother to all of us guys in church.... teaching us everything.. more of bad stuff of course... ha ha... not all bad too.. like.. betting soccer.. etc.. but over all.. he's always there willing to help us in spiritually or school work or whatever is within his means.

For AUNTIE Verena... sorry.. because I don't really mix with you girls in church.. thus cannot say anything much.. but what I can see during choir practice.. Verena is always there to shut Nick up.. no one can shut him up except her!. Nick always talk to us. LOUDLY... that's why we don't do the shutting.. its hard for us....all in all.. She is still our big sister.. respect her in anyways.. althought I don't really acknowledge all girls as sisters..... cos.. my own sister's are noisy bunch.. trying to get rid..but it keeps coming out.. I told my mum once.. if this 3rd one still girl.. i'm gonna punch her back into your womb... make sure it's a boy!

For guys ok.everyone brudder brudder... because I'm all alone since young.. can you see my point of view?
i don't really know what the fuck am I posting/talking man.... think is the effect of medication I had earlier on... fuck .. i hate being sick

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
WOWo / 6:44 PM

Wow!! its 2008.. once again.. its time for me to start my blogging.. have been hearing alot from aaron, andrea, cliff.. everyone... fuck...

My house have always been the HQ aka headquaters for the choir's whatever gathering... no doubt last night's countdown was held there too... but something is going to be different! I held a so called club party at my place! yes... think I'm the first to start this kind of shit at home in the whole of my yam generation!.. Speakers from randall, my house's own sound system, combined with the help of our band's mixer to my Acer Dj mixing programe! Its a blast!....O wait.. went to get a disco lights for the party too! I'm one crazy passionate guy! haha.. almost bought a subwoofer, a galaxy ball and a smoke machine! No joke! really...

House's bar was just outside the enterance of Club 72..
That is the amount of booze for grab!

Too much of a booze cause this to happen.. always!

getting high on air..

Opps.. what's randall doing behind??

The last few survivors.. the one in white is the murder of the night.. where got stick the whole bottle of vodka in the mouth and make people drink one?? I was running all over the place to avoid her vodka killing method..

This guy here is Aaron Tay.. aka Alien. .t he is the one who brings everyone laughter.. cos he is always there to be made fun of.. haha.jkjk.. he's the mambo king!

what kind of move is that?? think he's dancing to the AVP's theme song..

battle of the best.. see who can puke on who first..

Will like to thank everyone for coming down to my o so crap countdown party..with Djs fighting for which songs to play..getting drunk.. hope its a blast for all of you to start a new year with pukes all over your body( Dicky).... have a great year ahead...no next.. Chinese New Year Countdown!