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Friday, September 22, 2006
The next day / 11:07 AM

The story continues..........

Knn...NBCCB....CCB..... This morning, the Peugeot van where damage obviously is at its minimal, called up and demanded $4000 if we were to settle privately. KNN.. like Nick said..He need so much money for what?? need to build a house?? respray his house?? Knn....need to change parts need so much or not??? fucking hell...

only one small fucking dent...knn...ask for $4k.... Say what.... wa...the back door cannot open...this la..that la...as well say: Wa lau..like that you bang ar... my engine cannot start, my side door got dent...anway...asked $2k for repair....then need to rent car to use...and need to rent 7 days!!! I repeat....7 DAYS!!! what he want to do ?? Funeral ar??? knn..see me carrot.... can tock.. I called Peugeot workshop too...asking: change of bumper+ respray how much?? only $500...how to add up to $2k?? knn....

And the taxi driver?? say the company's workshop need about 3 days to repair...FUCK YOU!!!

My mum went to ask Auntie Linna( Amanda's mum) , asking how long would it take to repair the front and back bumper?.... answer: Less than half a day! knn..3 days!! go fuck spider ar!! Give the workshop one day... they can build 2 new taxis for you ar!! you still want 3 days..what?? you want to start your own taxi company ar?? one day, they can build 2 taxis...3 days....wa lau.. 6 taxis... Wa...I have a FLEET of taxis under me!! knn ccb..... and say..the total cost + the van's cost can go up to $10k ++ !! what fuck??? 10k!! Sing Dollar!! not korean won...not Indonesia Rupia....but fucking SING DOLLAR!! $10k ...maybe the two cars rolled a few times after I bang them....then MAYBE $10k ...knn....one small dent...want so much!! PLEASE GO FIND A SPIDER....AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Me,Taxi and Van / 3:58 PM

Today is a time to call for a Big Celebration! Why I say that? Because in Indian custom, when the girl in the family has her first menstruation, they will invite all their relatives to come over for a gathering, so to tell them , their daughter is so call a 'adult' ,can get married. As for me........I lost my First time....

No!! not my Virginity.. but my first car accident!!! Knnbccb, nbccb, knn, Pb......Fuck man!!! that time was laughing at Weiping( my sec school classmate), in less than 2 months after he passed his driving, he got into a accident..just him and the other car...we call it 'couple kissing'... small matter... now, my turn!!

Just finished my medical and so decided to go roxy square for a hair cut...who knows!!..Was along paya lebar road, just after Singapore post... if you have been there, the traffic really SUCK!!! too many cars coming in and out of Singapore post and the small lanes to those car repair shops. I was in one of the middle lane, moving towards this taxi, before I got near it, I wanted to do a lane change to my left as that lane is moving much faster than the one I'm in now. Upon doing the lane change, I was waiting for my 'chance' to get out to the other lane, but before I do that, I would look back to see is there enough space for me to turn out....until that point....

I turned back, seeing the taxi suddenly braked, of course I braked! but not enough to avoid the accident... that sucks man!! After that happened...I was traumatised!, I did not know what to do..but went down and started scolding the taxi uncle..(haha..thats what I was told to do under such circumstances)...Only after I went down , I saw another van , infront of the taxi! Wa lau! first time give me Ja Lat one.. Threesome!! Van infront of taxi, taxi infront of me...Went in...Shiok ....shiok ki lan ar!! knn....

That is my car's bornet.. damage: Bornet, front bumper, right signal+ headlights cover, car number plate...

Taxi...See!! only a small dent..ccb..

Front of taxi

Van... small dent too...

upon seeing me , a new driver, small boy...they were ok la....just wrote numbers down...never like demand alot of things or what...but say claim insurance company...

hai...should have headed home... Wanted to go for a $8 hair cut..end up....$2k ++ to repair my car...excluding paying for the 2 car's repair fee...SIAN!!! once again.....knn.. ccb....nbccb!!!

so is this a thing to call for celebration?? okok la...shall have one....at my place...on next coming weekend.. 31 september 2006.. BBQ!! ok??

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Elvin's day / 3:35 PM

Yesterday, went to Aljunied MRT to meet some of the servers at 7.20AM!!! for?? To see Elvin off for his NS. Thus, took the train to Pasir Ris. Reached there around 7.50am, met Elvin and parents, walked to the end of the interchange ,where the army personals are there to escort them to the ferry terminal. James Seet was there too...late...

Anyway, after sending him off, James, me and those bunch of servers went Macs for breakfast. Breakfast was a chaos, where everyone kept disturbing Bernard, Moses and Vincent doing funny stuff.

He's enjoying every moment!

see what I mean??

Lucky for my phone, with Video function, I took down one of the stuff they did at Macs.

Shine Jesus Shine / 12:50 AM

There's something wrong with me!! weeks back, James seet kept encouraging me to go for this Shine Jesus Shine Rally(SJSR), I strongly stood to my decision, NO/ not free/ see how....

but after going for the Novena's annual procession, I have this sudden urge to go for another of such events, where the next best/closest is the SJSR, where Novena's annual procession falls on sunday, this SJSR is on the next day....wa...2 days in a row go to novena church....something is really wrong..maybe my faith is growing stronger....

haha......future Archbishop Yam?? Ya right! ok...back to the SJSR...

My main purpose of going there is just to see the praise and worship band

and secondly, to see/ know some chio catholic girls....always...for my case..only see....never get to know them...

and of course..accompany my fellow servers...

So me, aloy, dicky, elvin( from Lc) went to church to get the free transport there.
Jess and Andrea went with Ernestine, on their own....stupid.....got free transport, don't want to take....go squeeze in mrt...hai...what to do??

ok...so on our way to Novena Church, it started to drizzle.. ok ..fair enough ,to cool the place abit before people start moving in..after we got there...it did not stop.

The priest told us to wait for another 5 minutes, see if the drizzle will stop. It did not and they have to carry out 'PLAN B' where they will conduct SJSR in the church. When all heard about that, Amazing race!! Chiong ar!!! it happen very fast, even before I could finish my sentence with dicky, we were the only idiots still in that 'heavy drizzle'( aka light rain).lol......

Minutes after we were up there, they announced that the rain has stopped, so we have to move back out to the carpark!.. again...same thing....wtf?

when all were seated...it started to drizzle heavily again...haha...this SJSR is fun!! lol...but this time, the priest asked if everyone is ok with the weather..everyone was fine with it, it started...FINALLY!!! the praise and worship band is good, especially the drummer!! because he's indian!! his hand and foot work is damn good!

Seem that dicky is enjoying alot!! Aloy...erm..no comment..

Was raining, but it did not stop people from praising god..with unbralla in one hand. Amazing..

Slowly, through the session....I actually enjoyed it...so I guess this will not be my last time going for such events!

A short clip of SJSR

SJSR- the song'One way'

Novena's Annual Processuon / 12:05 AM

Last sunday, I went to the Novena's Annual Procession at Novena Church(NC), right after my tired soccer training!!! see how much I love god?? haha..ok...well , because last year I missed the procession, so this year I would not want to miss it again.

My mum, granny and my three sisters were there at around 4.30pm, the mass will start between 6.30pm to 7pm. They only manage to stand at the very end of the carpark. I reached there about 6pm, hoping I would be able to get a space from my mum's side, but when I was walking towards NC, I see Shit load of people!!! yes!! Hell lot of them!!

That is the bus stop outside Novena Church. This is not all...Still early.

Another View.

Anyway, followed them to recite the last 2 decades of rosary. The mass started around 7 pm...........it went on..........and on......and on........ the Choir was good, but not as good as LC's Choir! woo hoo!! haha...but their cantor was damn damn damn good!! wa...until today, I can still remember what she sang and how the tune goes....

went on again........the usual mass thing...until the holy communion part...there is this Drama going on..this guy which is located near towards the stairs up to NC, and the other guy, which is on the pavement( on top, at the carpark area) , don't know what was happening.. started scolding each other, I guessed the guy at the bottom have not received holy communion yet, all are still waiting, and he went to say something to the guy at the carpark( which could be,may not be, the warden escorting the communion minister around. The scene was damn drama, can see people taking out their phone and start to video that..I did too, but was too dark...cannot see anything( my phone's cam suck!!)..anyway....a video of how crowded the place was.

After the communion part, we left..