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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
May 27 / 9:33 PM

Well, last saturday I celebrated my 19th birthday...yes...I'm getting old......not young anymore...
Apparently, on that very day, it was my parent's wedding anniversary too! (don't know how they calculate that I will be popping out on that day, 3 years later) .

As my dad is still hospitalise, my sisters decided to BAKE a cake for me and my parents. After the whole of friday night and saturday morning, they then layered the cakes. So now the problem comes, cannot take the cake out of the table!! the cake is stuck onto the table..

Thus when she tried to move the cake, it just breaks apart.. lol.

In the end, we bought a cake from polar.....for $16, after she has wasted $20 worth of ingredients....

As for this year, this is how I spend my birthday....

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Thank God! / 10:53 PM

Yesterday went to hospital to visit my dad, heard a great news from my mum. Saying that the bruise in my dad's brain has gone alittle . Thank God for that ! and of course of all the prayers being offered for my dad. Hope things will get better in no time. Well...going off now to complete my Stupid Ideas homework...Drawing....I hate that!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006
What a tired day... / 9:58 PM

Last Friday 19/5/06 was a very hectic and traumatizing day for me...woke up at 6.15am to get ready for school . After school at 12, came home to go medical appointment with my dad. At around 4.30pm, we got home..had alittle rest and thus to get ready for my Wu Shu Training at 6.30pm. My dad was kind enough to let me drive the car to school and at the same time, celestine would be going school too, for her TKD camp, so its on the way to give her a lift.

I reverse my car and waited for the traffic to clear , then I heard a loud scream! At first ,I thought it was the radio, so turn the volume down...still nothing was heard...But when I was looking through my rear view mirror, I saw my Uncle and Aunties crowd around. Was trying to figure out what are they doing...then I went back into the house, and FUCK!! my dad was on the ground! my granny was crying, everyone was around my dad. My mum told me that he fell down backwards , a very loud bang was heard upon falling.

After we carried him up, he rested for awhile...and my mum asked me to carry on with my training at school. Thought that he was fine, I drove off.

Minutes before I reach my school gate, my mum called me , saying that my dad was on his way to hospital.
Upon hearing that, I was very scared, cannot even think properly. Found the nearest U turn, headed back home and I was driving like 110-125 km/h, rushing like mad!!

Reached home, my godmother was at my place thus drove me and my sisters there. After reaching there, went into the A&E ward to look for my dad. He was with the breathing aid and was like very 'blur'. So after half an hour of waiting, he went for a head X Ray....there is a hairline crack on his left side of the skull and bruised brain or can say...something like blood clot. I was so lost when I heard that, the nurse came and ask me to fill in the form, where I wrote the next of kin, my mother, relationship , 'WIEF'. Thats what I spelled!! I was going crazy man!!!
This is so fucked up man....we were damn scared, he was very tired, wanted to sleep, but we tried to talk to him, don't let him sleep...as....you know what I'm talking about...
Admitted into the hospital, went up to see what the doctor has to say... One relief from the doctor was, the fracture on the skull will heal on its own, whereas the clot, now only give medication to bring down the swell in the brain, and to disperse the blood... The bad news , if my dad's condition gets worse, next on the list, operation! I guess, this is one of the fucked up days I ever had!!

Asked my godmother to fetch my mum and sisters home, I stayed there. And in the middle of the night, around 3.30 am, the doctor asked the nurse to transfer my dad to the ICU ward...I was like, " What the hell??" then the doctor told me, not to worry, just to have extra attention, if anything goes wrong...

Since in ICU ward, I could not stay in the room, so sat outside the ward until 5++ when my mum came to accompany me. Had breakfast and then reached home about 8 am, had a short nap till 11am, drove my granny and my sisters to see my dad. When we arrived, the doctor have given my dad a check and said that he will need to do a scan to see everything is normal( but until now, 10.55pm, no scan was done!). He looked way better than last night . His speech was much stronger ,compaired to last night.

And so....until now..at 10.57 pm.....I'm typing this entry.....to thank all who have given me and my family support in prayers, sms, calls......appreciate that..And thank God that he made it through the night.....hope that he will be back home in no time...

Monday, May 01, 2006
Days at poly..... / 2:53 PM

Well, its been two weeks since poly started....and before that, we had the orientation week.

ok...now I will talk more about the orientation week.....How much FUN we had...

First day.....went to the Auditorium for some speech by teachers and of course our Prinicipal...where this school is special...scared he will get kidnapped or something...had his speech recorded in DVD Format... Met up with my new classmates.....Sian....only one girl...out of 20 students...this sucks man!!!

Second day...... Went for the Spice training...where they teach you how to use the school's network and all....

Third day.....Flag Day. To think being able to sell insurance...so asking for donation will be easy for me...
But there is always some pricks around in Singapore ,where they will give answers that will get me flare up!! One of the examples...Me: Good afternoon Sir, would you like to make a donation?? Prick: Young man, why don't you go to the government and ask for donations??
I nearly wanted to use the flag day tin and throw at him... Bloody hot weather, standing there asking for donation and give me that type of fucked up answer..Never die before...
ok...so thats my 3 days of Orientation...so much of that...

Now come to the study part...
Actualy there is nothing special about my lectures and teachers....but what I can think of is ....my personal tuitor/ Auto Cad teacher looks like Ru Hua and my China teacher who teaches me maths kinda look like Flinstone's Friend, Fred??
I will try and get their photos... to compare... Think thats all for now...