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Sunday, April 09, 2006
Long long time ago.........I can still remember... / 9:06 PM

Wow.....It's been 4 shitty months since my last post.....damn..so time that I almost could'nt remember my username and password (like Randall.... because he has forgotten how many 'ha' he has in his password...thats why he could not login and not to mention ,blogging)

As long as I could remember....I have not blogged about last year's caroling, Lc's new year count down party at my place( alot of funny things happened on that night...like....hai..never mind..will talk more later) , Chinese new year, my company's party and lastly my job. So this post might be a little long..

Well...for the past 4 months , I have been working , working , working and working......not all 4 months actually..to be exact is about 2 and a half months +++...stretching from last December 22th till this year March 8th..if I'm not wrong...earned quite abit....breathe in much dirt from my work place at KEPPEL TUAS
( mind you..hence waking up early like 5.30am is a must)

Part of Keppel Tuas shipyard..early in the morning...at almost 7 am....

My changing area....

like some haunted place..no lights, no electricity...

Of course this is not the ship I have been working on for the past months...but this is the dock where the ship I have been working on is...
Also part of the yard.....

...but of course learned alot...like how to slack during work and not get caught....but of course we( me and Dicky) had alot of fun...because most of the time , we would walk around , spot check on my group of people..are they doing work or slacking..

O......wait...remember what I said about the ' Haunted ship' ??

lookes scary??

There was this time where the ship was about to complete, it has to be pulled up of the shipyard and go in to the deep sea, where they will do all the checking on balancing and all...the term for this process is called anchorage. Ah... see...I have grown to be more knowledgeable!! So of course, we went into anchorage for about a week before the ship set sail to Brazil.
Basically, apart from checking out if the guys were working....we had a new post....we call it ' Quality Control Officers' or in short QCO. What does this post does?? you are wondering right??
Will tell more when I present with evidences.

Because the ship is in the middle of the sea, we had to take the ferry there and back.

Inside view of the ferry.....this is the damn slow one....

Crowded right??

on the way to the ship..

Things on the way......

This is a jack up oil rig. Still building at the yard.

other ships that are at the anchorage stage.

Now .....let's put our hands together to welcome MY ship.....o...or rather...the ship I have been working on for the past 2 months or so....with my sweat and blood......


You would just wonder....what the hell is FPSO??? well FPSO stands for Floating Production Storage Offloading. And for the other ship with FSO is Floating Storage Offloading.. So what is the difference there??? well FPSOs can drill the sea bed , suck up the oil, process it , store it into the tanks and then offload it to other tanker or on land....where as a FSO can only drill, suck, store and then offload it. Or you can see what kind of equipments they have onboard...( I will go to that later)

Can see the name??

You know why they choose such funny names?? heard from my boss....saying that they change the ship's name according to their new oil field they are going to work on..

See that long tripod sticking out???

That is where the fire will come out as they start their production of oil.

The floating platform and that shitty slow ferry

People coming up from the floating platform to the ship....

Actually this are the few people ( except for dicky) sailing with the ship...double of what they get onshore....

Some of the equipments onboard...actually I'm not allowed to take this photos....I risked my life you know??

The tripod I was talking about earlier on...is about 100m high.

This big yellow thing here is called the turret.
This is used to drill the sea bed and extract the oil.

One of the crane onboard. One at starboard side, the other at portside.
This is the portside side crane. Which is known as left side of the ship.

This is the streamer that transfer oil from ship to ship.

View from the cockpit of the starboard side crane.

Thats me!!! I did operate the crane....not sit there for show...

We used this to carry the packed lunch from the floating platform below. And I operate the crane to bring this thing down. Cool ???

One of my supervisors, Mr Ronald Pura

Claims that he enjoys going to Club MoMo..

The other one, Mr Homer

ok....so now I will show you where is my one and only work place onboard the whole ship as a Quality Control Officer.

The one and only MESS ROOM aka dinning area.

because the quality of the food is so important...and our job would be at stake too if we get complains about the food...Therefore every 2 hours or so, we would have to make a trip to the mess room to check on their food....tough job....too much work!!

This is also a mess room , but for those who is still in their coverall, they come to this place and consume their food.

actually, before the anchorage, the chefs have already moved onboard, thus me and Dicky went to help them and became friends.....so now during anchorage....in the middle of the sea...no food...where can you find???? mess room...so they will reserve some for you....

This two are one of the onboard chefs.
The one in blue uniform is the baker.
Everytime he sees us..he will ask us to wait and rush into the kitchen and grab 2 plates full of cookies and cakes...see..how??? this happens 3 to 4 times a day....we have to eat right?? tough job...

We left out someone.......
Mr Benedict Lee Yi Jiang



Can say he has gone throught many fears?? fear factor for him??
First day....wearing that orange coverall...you haven see the after washed coverall...like we have been to flooded chinatown...
then , climbing the 10 storey gangway( which is the stairs connecting to the ship)
after climbing, have to cross the bridge connecting to the ship...Stun number 1
Then there is this time where he wanted to get up to the crane, he would have to climb the ledder up and the sea breeze was strong.. Stun number 2
Like I said where we would need to use the safety carrier to go down and bring the food up...so I asked him to go , please go back up to refer to see how the guy is standing .....OUTSIDE THE BASKET!!! as in the open sea, the wind speed would be great, thus when dicky was airborne, the basket would not stop shaking, but that was a good experience!! Extra stun ....
Next is boarding the ferry.....without tying the rope to the jetty, where the ferry would just float out and then the driver have to power steer the ferry to be closer to the jetty for people to board....so there was this time where dicky was trying to cross from the ferry to the jetty, as he reached out for the steps at the side, the ferry suddenly float away..then poor dicky lost his grip and was half dangling. That sure scared the hell out of him....Final Stun to win

But after all this ...he did not gave up....think he should deserves some applause....

Last but not least....Our Boss/Our Soccer sponsor/My God Father, Mr Eric Phua
( sorry for not posting his photo.....because the bloody blog just won't let me do it!!!)
Every morning, when the national anthem starts to play on every radio channel, he would be at the gate waiting for us...
He would bring us for breakfast.....
Pick up his business partner
Drive us to Keppel Tuas.....
And most of the time....Gave us a lift home......

By doing so...He wants us to feel energetic as he has shown us by coming so early, that we will think that if he can do it, so can we......setting a example to follow... sending us there and bringing us back as the day ends.....ensures that everything goes well for us....

We would like to say a very great thank you for your guidance and support.