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Saturday, October 29, 2005
Tribute to my school aka Mackey / 4:13 PM

Well it has been sooooooo many years studying in this school of mine...but only in recent years ,we have moved to our new building, just next to the old one.....well....I shall do some review on my school and as well as some of my teachers..

My school name
people seems to like my school name so much that they wanted a piece of it.

school entrance

On this very day, students were release early as there were a lot of primary 6 students from different schools, coming to attend the school's open house.

Another photo of my school's entrance

I did not take the full view of the entrance, there will be a sercurity guard sitting with a set of our student's chair and desk at one corner taking names of visitors and late comers.

Primary students of different schools seen boarding the bus to go home.

Mackey's canteen

Beside the canteen , we will have the Mackey's Square. This is where we sing...marikita....every morning..

Full view of the square

Another view when it is on a rainy day...the mackey lake will appear..(got this photo from some lame teacher's blog)

Next, library....

Got this classmate of mine Sua Chin Kuan to pose as a model infront of the library.

My beloved class 5B

Last time, it used to be those slip on plastic cards, because of us when we always change those plastic cards with other classes, our teachers would always walk into the wrong class.Now they use this stick on papers ....boring!!! Only those teachers that would walk blindly or have no memory of which class they have taught for almost 6 months ++ ?? This have sure tricked them!!

A inside view of my class

One good thing about this class, the windows on the other side, you can actually see the whole field. A lot of students will play soccer there and we just laugh at them on how lousy can they be....lol..

The Mackey's Famous Field..

This is where we had soccer during recess, after school and sometimes during class time...we would do anything for it!!! Our kakis for soccer are usually our own level ..5A, 5B and 5C. The ball will be kept in our class, so everyday is soccer!!!

ok.....after all the reviews of the school..time for some teachers..

Mr Foo SK aka Lamest teacher on earth!!

The teacher with a blog, chats on msn... always taking photo...how cool can he be??He is one teacher you can never miss!!you got me in your blog, now it's my turn!!! muahahahaha

Mr Goh KT -Chemistry teacher

He was one of my chemistry teacher during my school days.Very sporting too. One of my favorites. Not gay!!

Mr Mok Chan Tong- D&T teacher. I was slow on getting his front photo.

Mr Ajab Singh- English teacher " Mitur Binesderty" just read...

Mr Edzra - My P.E teacher when I was in sec 1 and 4.

Think thats all about my school...and the name 'Mackey' was given by ZACHARY LUKE LEE XIANG.

Those macpherson students, you want to beat him up...go ahead..I will post his address , handphone number on my next post ...I will give you my full support!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Whatever..... / 10:51 PM

Ok... I will be posting what happened this whole day...and I really meant the whole day...

27 October 2005
Time : 12. 45 am

' It's 12.45 am, we were playing basketball at the court, Officer Mohammad came up, he was like: I thought I told you to..... yea WHATEVER!! ' ps: if you have heard of the song WHATEVER by Liam Lynch, you know what that means.
Ya...we ( consisting of Hobbit* Aloy* , Benedict , Elvin and of course me) were at the basketball court after supper with the girls, to play some soccer and thanks to Elvin *sorry* , he brought his beloved basketball. It was about 12.00 am when we started to play Panna Knock Out(PKO) which is a one on one challenge of soccer skills where you either score a goal or do a 'OLE' (fyi : ole means that the ball goes through your legs which is one of the ultimate insult!!) , you win and the next best player comes in. So Benedict and I played the first round leaving Aloy and Elvin bouncing the ball on the other side of the court. Soon we finished the PKO, Benedict decided to play a two on two basketball match. After playing for about 30 minutes, we saw a police car patroling around the area....but we did not bother much and continued playing. There it was, turning into the carpark beside the basketball court. *We dropped the ball and ran!!!.. the police saw us running , draw their gun and started shooting at.. Aloy!!! Aloy dodge the bullet like Neo did in Matrix!!*that part was bullshit...okok..back to the scene. two police , one chinese another malay.....came out of their car , walked into the basketball court and asked all of us to come over to them.*This time, Aloy was damn damn scared, he started crying and went begging on his knees, telling the police not to catch him or call his parents* , We did as told and the chinese told us in a loud voice (not shouting) ' do you all know what time is it now??' ' what are you all doing here??' ' you all are not supose to play any sports after 10.30pm , see that sign over there?', this time Benedict bombed him ,saying : ' er..there is no sign saying that we are not allowed to play after 10.30pm..'. ' There! ', the chinese police pointed and went closer to take a look...it says' This place is only temporary , will be removed once there is a development going on, thank you.' ... the police was like ...' ok....but still you guys should not play after 10.30pm' Benedict replied, ' but we really don't know... chinese:'you want me to sent your names to the town council ???'... after all the 'scolding' we got from the police, they took our names , ic numbers and address for checking , and after that, we went home... came home and bathe , change everything, it was already 2am!! crazy man...then drop dead on my bed......

nothing really happened until night.....

27 October 2005
Time: 7.50

Went for rosary devotion at Aloy's place as they are having the block rosary . The rosary was good....and it ended like around 8.40pm ?? then went on playing the game that Aloy have downloaded from the net Age Of Empire 3 demo version ... the game was good...but it ws even better when all of a sudden, a heavy rain pour....muhahahahahaha..you will know why......As I was playing the game, she called...erm.....of course I stopped all what I was doing and just answered her call!! She was stuck at the bus stop!! because of the heavy rain!!! because I told her that I was not at home and she said it was alright so not to bother me but then the brave heart Augustine, quickly took two umbrellas and ran all the way to the bus stop.Imagine.....Lightings continuously flashing across the sky, thunder rolling, very very heavy rain and I mean heavy!! Water level in cannel was rising rapidly, roads was almost flooded where the water level is about my ankle...I ran there to the bus stop, happy to see her... she was glad to see me too...uh......there I gave her the umbrella and I walked her home....she was.....so damn cute!!! in the rain ...trying to jump past water puddles...trying to keep herself away from the rain and telling me to be careful....awwwww....my heart melted....soon we reached her block, she returned the umbrella.. gave me that ever so cute smile..and thank me.....then happily walked home...with me all drench...but it is all worth while...after a clean up....was here sitting infront of my computer..blogging about the stuff today.....ok....thats all folks!!!...

Test Test / 2:30 PM

Test Test. Haha... Aloy hobbit